PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 34. アメリカとイギリスは自己破壊している理由 Why America and Britain are self-destructing












Music by Kajiki
Sounds: https://freesound.org/people/tensaimon/bookmarks/

English Script (記事からの引用、まとめ):

  1. The world’s two large English speaking societies, America and Britain, are collapsing….in eerily similar ways, for eerily similar reasons.
  2. America and Britain are the only two societies in the rich world where life is getting shorter, poorer, meaner, and more hopeless – where young people will probably live worse lives than their parents and grandparents.
  3. Why? – In the 1980s, especially America, and also the UK, started privatising 民営化public services – Neoliberalism 新自由主義. (I remember the privatization of BT and of the water companies)
  4. the private companies that now provide public services began charging massive prices to maximalize their profits – US $50K for childbirth, $200K for an education.
  5. They simultaneously paid their workers less (also to maximize profit) – even workers with fulltime jobs are underpaid (Amazon is a famous example) – in Jブラック企業 – and the “gig economy” was born e.g. Uber.
  6. People are now so poor they can’t afford to do anything…including pay taxes…which means less investment in society. The key amount seems to be : if a country invests less than 25% of the economy in public goods – it enters this a death spiral  死のスパイラル
  7. What follows such death spirals, of course, is fascism ファシズム、独裁的国家社会主義, authoritarianism 権威主義, and all the horrors of history (=Europe WWII)

[tea sound] 勝手に一コメントをいわせていただければ・・・ If I can briefly offer my own thoughts on this…

  1. The UK and America do seem to be disintegrating – I read the news from these countries, and have many friends in both, and what I read seems far worse than other countries….We can use these examples as a warning. Japan still invests a lot in public goods – but is becoming more neoliberal, and many people are suffering financially. Let’s take this as a warning.
  2. This article was written in December 2019 – last year, before covid-19 -we can see from the death rates that the US and the UK have done by far the worse of all the rich industrialised nations. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

皆さん、いかがでしょうか?What do you think?

  1. Do you think the US and the UK are collapsing? Do you think it is coincidence that these are the two most neoliberal industrialised nations?
  2. What do you think we can learn from this in Japan and Okinawa?