PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 063.飛行機のCO2排出 flight carbon


Flying has a really big carbon footprint, and Greta Thunberg has quit flying completely because of this…but next week I’m flying to England with my children – in this episode I reflect on this a bit.

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“PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 063.飛行機のCO2排出 flight carbon” の続きを読む

PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)

明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year!

In today’s episode I’m going to talk about my personal New Year’s Resolutions (basically: improve my stress), and my concrete plan for actually doing them.

“PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)” の続きを読む

PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 47.このポッドキャストの一年目の反省会 reflecting on a year of this podcast

このPODCASTを一年間やってきて、どうだった、何学んだ、これからの目標などについての適当なtensaimon talking!

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“PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 47.このポッドキャストの一年目の反省会 reflecting on a year of this podcast” の続きを読む