PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 47.このポッドキャストの一年目の反省会 reflecting on a year of this podcast

このPODCASTを一年間やってきて、どうだった、何学んだ、これからの目標などについての適当なtensaimon talking!

PODCASTアプリ(Spotify, iTunes, などなど)で音声だけも聞けますよ:検索 “tensaimon”




Music by Kajiki
Sounds: https://freesound.org/people/tensaimon/bookmarks/


Looking back:

In around the middle of 2020 a friend sent me a message saying “hey Simon you should make a podcast…”

(Smith and Tanaka)

I really liked the idea because I listen to A LOT of podcasts (and…in JHS I wanted to be a radio DJ!)

So I started making test episodes..the first few were very difficult and I got a bit frustrated….

but then one day while listening to Hougen News for uchinaguchi study

I realised this is what I should do:

translate English content from the internet into Japanese!

I started making a test episode every week,

and on Jan 17th 2021 I uploaded my first 3 episodes,

and have (mostly) kept to my one-a-week schedule all year!

How’d it go?

Mostly pretty well:

Over 2021 I got comfortable with:

  1. the format (one article, several articles)
  2. the content (environment, gender, news, corona, olympics, self-help)
  3. recording and editing – recently I added video, and each episode takes me a lot less time now!

So in 2021 I learned how to make podcast!

So what’s next?

Every week I get quite disappointed by the number of downloads…I want to reach more people because:

  1. I work hard on these episodes!
  2. I think the issues I’m addressing are important! (“save the world”)
  3. I think my approach to language learning has value….

So I really need to promote my podcast…

Also…right now I get up at 4am to work on it before going to work! This is rather tiring…if I could get some income from my podcasting I could maybe teach fewer classes and so have more time for creating content….

This makes me nervous:

I can create content no problem…but am very bad at promoting it, and terrified of asking for money…

(my brain: “no one is going to be interested…”)

So in 2022 I’m going to work on these emotional issues…

I’m going to promote my podcast by:

  1. sending messages to people who do similar content
  2. do some paid advertising on SNS…

(With that in mind…please share! Also, write a review!)

and try to add some income by:

  1. crowdfunding?
  2. Sponsors???
  3. offer a course in language learning…

So, to sum up:

in 2020 I started developing this podcast (helped hugely by Mr.Smith)

in 2021 I started publishing it, and spent the year improving how I work.

So in 2022 I want to get more listeners, and try to develop some income from it

Ok, that’s all for today – thanks for letting me vent!

Hey listeners what do you think?

Your turn to vent! Would you like some tea? Have some tea…

  1. Have you enjoyed the podcast this year? Do you think it’s improving? Do you have any advice or suggestions?
  2. And how do you feel about promotion and monetizing – do you find it easy, or do you have similar problems to me?

どうぞ vent your thoughts and feelings on this issue – send me an email!