If they’re gonna sound the J-Alert alarm every time something dangerous flies over our heads, shouldn’t Ginowan city be sounding the alarm dozens of times per day???

If they’re gonna sound the J-Alert alarm every time something dangerous flies over our heads, shouldn’t Ginowan city be sounding the alarm dozens of times per day???
Tシャツの印刷 by https://www.okinow.com/
Hi FBers…
You may (or may not!) have noticed that I don’t post any more. I’ve been trying out life without FB for months now, and I feel that I prefer it (if you are interested, I explain my reasons in the PS) so I’ve decided to make it permanent.
The obvious drawback to this is that I have a lot of friends and connections here, so I’m posting just to let you know I’m leaving (and where to find me if you want to).
If you’re interested in the things I used to post about you can follow my internet activities at www.tensaimon.com. That’s been on a pause recently as well, as I mull how to move forward (in a world on fire….) but from here on in: if I do anything on the internet that’ll be where I put it. (I *might* post my blog to FB occasionally)
Flying has a really big carbon footprint, and Greta Thunberg has quit flying completely because of this…but next week I’m flying to England with my children – in this episode I reflect on this a bit.
PODCASTアプリ(Spotify, iTunes, などなど)で聞く:検索 “tensaimon”
“PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 063.飛行機のCO2排出 flight carbon” の続きを読む明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year!
In today’s episode I’m going to talk about my personal New Year’s Resolutions (basically: improve my stress), and my concrete plan for actually doing them.
“PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)” の続きを読む