PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon 57: teens(13-19歳)睡眠不足まん延



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Among teens, sleep deprivation is an epidemic

Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood teens will suffer from:

– an inability to concentrate,

– poor grades,

– drowsy-driving incidents,

– anxiety,

– depression,

– suicide

Carolyn Walworth, 17, often reaches a breaking point around 11 p.m: for 10 minutes or so, she just sits at her desk and cries. She is desperately tired and longs for sleep. The next morning, she fights to stay awake in her first-period U.S. history class, which begins at 8:15.

– more than 87 percent of high school students in the United States get far less than the recommended eight to 10 hours,

– In high school, US teens are sleeping an average of 6.9 hours a night, down from an average of 8.4 hours in the sixth grade.

“They say they are tired, but they don’t realize they are actually sleep-deprived.

But Sleep is believed to reinforce learning and memory, with studies showing that people perform better on mental tasks when they are well-rested.

“It’s an insane system. … The whole essence of learning is lost,” she said.

South Korean adolescents sleeping on average 4.9 hours a night…South Korean adolescents also have relatively high suicide rates – Research has shown that sleep problems among adolescents are a major risk factor for suicide

What’s causing this?

– Teens have a biologic tendency to go to sleep later — their internal biological clock shifts later, making it more difficult for them to fall asleep before 11 p.m.

– The pressure on teens to succeed academically is intense

– Some 92 percent of U.S. teens have smartphones, and 24 percent report being online “constantly,”

Some schools shift:

– Edina, Minnesota, the Board of Education shifted the high school’s start time from 7:20 a.m. to 8:30 a.m – students reported feeling less depressed, less sleepy during the day, and more empowered to succeed.

– In the town of Palo Alto, after a recent cluster of suicides, the school board eliminated “zero period”


“For the health and well-being of the nation, we should all be taking better care of our sleep, and we certainly should be taking better care of the sleep of our youth.”

Changing school start times can help with this (we also need to address academic stress and online activity)


Do you think students are sleep deprived?

Do you think changing the school times is a good idea?










Site: http://www.tensaimon.com
SNS: tensaimon (Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kusaimon/)


Music by Kajiki
Sounds: https://freesound.org/people/tensaimon/bookmarks/