Mutually Assured Destruction….

Even the world’s so-called “progressive” economies, who claim to respect democracy and science, are utterly failing to decarbonize, and it’s pretty clear that (even) more autocratic countries have no interest in decarbonizing because it’s carbon (fossil fuels) that maintains their wealth and power. So, Mutually Assured Destruction it is then…..

(I’m not a doomer: I still think at some point, as society collapses, we may be able to take power back from those who currently hold it (as Chile seems to be in the process of doing): I think we will rebuild society as it collapses. Nevertheless, it very much looks like things are going to get a lot worse in the next 10-30 years. And future generations, if there are any and if they have the resources for studying history, are going to judge us very very harshly….)