“PODCAST:ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates the internet: 32. 漏洩されたIPCC Report:資本主義の経済成長は持続不可能 / IPCC leaked report: capitalist growth is unsustainable” の続きを読むPODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing
“PODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing” の続きを読むYOUTUBE: comedy: 動画撮影のtestがcomedyになっちゃった
YOUTUBE: (真剣な)comedy: 新コロナ:沖縄/日本 vs New Zealand – comparing Okinawa/Japan and New Zealand’s corona responses
YOUTUBE: Comedy: 通訳担当tensaimon translates the IPCC report
Deep Adaptation (深い適応策)のインタビュー動画のまとめ
Deep adaptationは「深い適応策」って意味で、私たちの社会は持続不可能で、効果的な対策(すぐゼロカーボンなど)は取れていないから、数十年(数年???)以内に崩壊するしかない、という、「崩壊から生き残る人はよりいい社会を作れるように」の社会活動の動きです。今年本は出版されて、編集者のJem Bendellさんとのインタビューを英語にまとめて、XR日本の週一回のZoomで行う話し合いで日本語に訳させていただきました。
What is deep adaptation?深い適応
A framework for the navigating the disruption and even collapse that is coming because of environmental breakdown
Ethos: open-hearted open-minded framework for exploring ideas
Resilience – what do we what to keep
Relinquish – what can we let go of
Restoration – what can we bring back
Reconciliation – what can we make peace with as we face our common mortality
PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 24: 大阪なおみはテニス業界と戦い / Naomi Osaka’s fight with the tennis ruling bodies
Naomi Osaka Is Part of a Larger War Within Sports: who should make the rules? And how much power do athletes have to protect themselves?
June 2, 2021
まとめ Summary:
Congratulations, tennis. You’ve won neither the battle nor the war with Naomi Osaka, but you have just bullied one of the biggest stars in your sport into quitting a major tournament that could use the publicity she would have brought to it.
Podcast Episode: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 17: コロナウイルスのワクチン Corona vaccines
The Warning Signs of a Longer Pandemic:
DATE: April 12 2021
“All the things that could prolong the COVID-19 pandemic — that could make this virus a part of our lives longer than anyone wants — are playing out right in front of our eyes.”
– Although the pace of vaccinations is still strong, there’s a growing fear that it’s about to slow down.
– Right now, the U.S. is still making fantastic progress on vaccinations…but… variants of the virus [are] causing new outbreaks and infect[ing] more children
– The more widely a virus can spread, the more opportunities it has to mutate. If[ [we] don’t vaccinate a sufficient percentage of the population….then even years into the future, we could be living through more new variants — some of which might be more deadly, some of which might be more resistant to vaccines, some of which might be more dangerous for certain specific populations.
The bottom line: This darker future is preventable, and our abundant supply of highly effective vaccines is the way to prevent it. The more people get vaccinated now, the smaller the role COVID-19 is likely to play in the rest of our lives.
Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates #16: 性差別、性暴力を注目にするフラワーデモ Flower demo: drawing attention to sexual discrimination and violence in Japan
日本でflower demo (フラワーデモ、花の抗議)は性差別、性暴力を注目させて、ますます増えている社会の動きです。この動きについての英語の記事を訳しながら過ごし解説して、コメントもさせていただきます。
まとめ Summary:
As night fell on August 11, about 150 people assembled at Gyoko-Dori Avenue near Tokyo Station to protest against a series of rape cases that ended in non-guilty verdicts.
Since the first event in April, the Flower Demoーinitiated by feminist activists Minori Kitahara, Eiko Tabusa and Akiko Matsuo, and held on the 11th day of each monthーhas expanded to 18 cities nationwide and continues to evolve into a larger social movement in Japan.
“Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates #16: 性差別、性暴力を注目にするフラワーデモ Flower demo: drawing attention to sexual discrimination and violence in Japan” の続きを読むPodcast: 6 – withOUTコロナを目指せばいい、理由16個 / 16 reasons to aim for zero-covid
All countries should pursue a Covid-19 elimination strategy: here are 16 reasons why
Thu 28 Jan 2021
I’ll post a link to the article, and to my script, in the shownotes
Many countries, for example NZ, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, have successfully pursued New Zealand and China have successfully pursued a coronavirus elimination strategy.
The past year of Covid-19 has taught us that it is the behaviour of governments, more than the behaviour of the virus or individuals, that shapes countries’ experience of the crisis.
The apparent waves of infection were driven by government action and inaction.
“Podcast: 6 – withOUTコロナを目指せばいい、理由16個 / 16 reasons to aim for zero-covid” の続きを読む