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PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)
明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year!
In today’s episode I’m going to talk about my personal New Year’s Resolutions (basically: improve my stress), and my concrete plan for actually doing them.
“PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)” の続きを読むPODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon 57: teens(13-19歳)睡眠不足まん延
PODCASTアプリ(Spotify, iTunes, などなど)で音声だけも聞けますよ:検索 “tensaimon”
“PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon 57: teens(13-19歳)睡眠不足まん延” の続きを読むPODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 37. 生活を簡単化しましょう How to simplify your life
“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 37. 生活を簡単化しましょう How to simplify your life” の続きを読むPODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing
“PODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing” の続きを読むPODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 21: 睡眠時間を短くする不眠症治療 cure insomnia by sleeping less
Can’t sleep? Try getting less
August 28th, 2015
Can’t sleep? Try getting less
‘By reducing your “sleep window”, you’re raising the stakes, giving your powers of sleep a real challenge, which brings out the best in them’
まとめ Summary:
Recently, I decided to try to deal with a bout of insomnia by deliberately getting even less sleep. If this strikes you as absurd, I can only reply that it’s no more absurd than what most insomniacs do instead: lie awake in bed for hours every night, getting more wakeful the harder they try to drop off, while ruminating on horrifying existential truths.
“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 21: 睡眠時間を短くする不眠症治療 cure insomnia by sleeping less” の続きを読む