YOUTUBE: comedy: 動画撮影のtestがcomedyになっちゃった
PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates the internet: 30. パンデミック心理 Pandemic psychology
“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates the internet: 30. パンデミック心理 Pandemic psychology” の続きを読むYOUTUBE: (真剣な)comedy: 新コロナ:沖縄/日本 vs New Zealand – comparing Okinawa/Japan and New Zealand’s corona responses
@tensaimon PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates….the ##IPCC報告書2021 ##IPCCreport2021 ##気候危機 ##climatecrisis
YOUTUBE: Comedy: 通訳担当tensaimon translates the IPCC report
PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 29. IPCC報告書report 2021
“PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 29. IPCC報告書report 2021” の続きを読むFrom my facebook (English)
So basically either we (human society) totally transform our society to be zero-carbon (which means VERY low energy – electric cars are made in factories powered by fossil fuels, bicycles are a more sensible answer) or we’re fucked.
Permaculture for everyone seems to me to be the safest (maximal reductions at maximum speed) and most equitable (everyone will live in permaculture-based society: it’s fair…no more billionaires) way to do this. And I actually think we will be happier: in my experience hanging out with my neighbours working on neighborhood gardening projects is great fun.
PODCAST:通訳担当tensaimon: 28:ピエロみたいな車運転 clown car habit