Climate Emergency Presentation Nodake 3ku 2020-02-28 UPDATE: CANCELLED

I talked to the head of the neighbourhood association and we decided to cancel this event to help contain the corona virus (many public events are now being cancelled) we’ll reschedule once things have calmed down…


I’ll be doing my next Climate Emergency presentation at my local neighborhood association, it’ll be in Japanese but please come if you can, the more people show up the bigger the impact, and the bigger the impact the greater the chances of it leading to real action.

Nerd Nite 2020-02-07 Presentation: Apocalypse Soon

Nerd Nite のプレゼンのスライドファイル:
Here is the slideshow file to accompany my Nerd Nite presentation

Apocalypse Soon

[Follow-up comments, written the morning after my Nerd Nite presentation]:

Firstly I want to thank everyone who watched my presentation last night. Despite how I look once I’ve got a mic in my hands (somehow being in the limelight lends me a lot of energy), I’m not a naturally outgoing person (I’m terrible at small talk) so I was very nervous: you were a wonderful audience and made it easy for me to give my talk. Thank you.

I have a few follow-up comments, things I might have said if I’d had more time and/or if I had been quick-witted enough to have thought of them in the moment:

“Nerd Nite 2020-02-07 Presentation: Apocalypse Soon” の続きを読む

2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha

やりますよ、2019・11・29,県民広場(県庁の前)。チラシをシェア、印刷,配るなど、よろしく!!!!そして友達と家族、同僚、皆連れてきてください!下に編集が出来るイメージファイルも貼った、どうぞ思い切って変更して使ってください!編集は を使った方がいいですが、illustratorでも開けます。後は、イベントページはこちです。

This is happening, in Naha in front of the Kencho building and Pallet-Kumoji. Here are the flyers, please share, print, and distribute. Then bring your friends, family, co-workers, bring everybody!! Also, if you want to edit and re-use the design, download the .svg files posted below – it’ll open best in Inkscape though it will open in Illustrator. Also, the event page on FB is here.

“2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha” の続きを読む

Greta Thunburg Austria World Summit Vienna 2019 Speech


(Scroll down for English)

Greta Thunbergがもう一度、混乱を切り取って、要点をついています。全ての人がまだ気候危機の対策に取り組んでいない理由は、危険性を感じていないからです。危険性を感じていない理由は、私達の社会の(いわゆる)リーダー達が説明をしていないからです。


“Greta Thunburg Austria World Summit Vienna 2019 Speech” の続きを読む




“気候危機を画像6枚で説明する” の続きを読む

T4:地球温暖化3: 私達の生活の全ては地球温暖化を起こしている / Everything we do causes Global Warming!

動画原本 / Video Transcript:

As I explained in my last video

global warming is continuing apace

and the climate is already changing

“T4:地球温暖化3: 私達の生活の全ては地球温暖化を起こしている / Everything we do causes Global Warming!” の続きを読む

T3:地球温暖化2:起こっているのは当たり前! / The earth’s history shows us that global warming is the logical result of burning carbon

I’ve got a cold today so my voice is hoarse

but I’m going to try to record anyway…

I’m going to talk about what causes global warming

“T3:地球温暖化2:起こっているのは当たり前! / The earth’s history shows us that global warming is the logical result of burning carbon” の続きを読む

T2: 地球温暖化01:3つの数字 / Global Warming: 3 Numbers



動画原本とリンク / Video Transcript with Links:

We need to talk about global warming.

Today I’m going to introduce 3 important numbers.

+1ºC is the current situation.

“T2: 地球温暖化01:3つの数字 / Global Warming: 3 Numbers” の続きを読む