the climate emergency: trajectories and options

As you know I follow this story quite closely, and I can confirm that these figures are an accurate representation of the science. The problem of course is politics: right now it is looking very unlikely we will avert this. Which basically means most humans are going to die in the next few decades.

However there is a silver lining (if you can call it that): at 1.5-2.0 degrees the massive crop failures and resulting famine, whilst leading to enormous suffering and death (from starvation and war) in the short term, will lead (once enough humans are dead) to a collapse of the world’s civilization: at that point carbon emissions will drop to (near) zero, and since nature abhors a vacuum, trees and animals will take over again – those trees will absorb CO2 which in time will cool the earth again.

“the climate emergency: trajectories and options” の続きを読む

2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha

やりますよ、2019・11・29,県民広場(県庁の前)。チラシをシェア、印刷,配るなど、よろしく!!!!そして友達と家族、同僚、皆連れてきてください!下に編集が出来るイメージファイルも貼った、どうぞ思い切って変更して使ってください!編集は を使った方がいいですが、illustratorでも開けます。後は、イベントページはこちです。

This is happening, in Naha in front of the Kencho building and Pallet-Kumoji. Here are the flyers, please share, print, and distribute. Then bring your friends, family, co-workers, bring everybody!! Also, if you want to edit and re-use the design, download the .svg files posted below – it’ll open best in Inkscape though it will open in Illustrator. Also, the event page on FB is here.

“2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha” の続きを読む

Greta Thunburg Austria World Summit Vienna 2019 Speech


(Scroll down for English)

Greta Thunbergがもう一度、混乱を切り取って、要点をついています。全ての人がまだ気候危機の対策に取り組んでいない理由は、危険性を感じていないからです。危険性を感じていない理由は、私達の社会の(いわゆる)リーダー達が説明をしていないからです。


“Greta Thunburg Austria World Summit Vienna 2019 Speech” の続きを読む

How to face your fears of the climate crisis

A lot of my recent posts have been very energetic (ranting and shouty, even…) but today I want to take a moment to breath deeply, and talk quietly about how terrifying this all is, and how to deal with that.

First, a brief summary of the facts, just as a short reminder of how scary the situation really is:

The science and scientists tells us that we have a massive problem: global warming will lead to more extreme weather: heatwaves, droughts, floods, and storms. The physics of why is simple: more heat energy in the air means more energy to the air’s movement, which makes weather events stronger than they would otherwise have been.

Heatwaves and floods are going to damage crops; as these events become more frequent and stronger more and more crops are going to be damaged and fail. That’s going to reduce the food supply, eventually getting to the point where people start to go hungry (this is already happening).

Climate change → hunger

“How to face your fears of the climate crisis” の続きを読む

T4:地球温暖化3: 私達の生活の全ては地球温暖化を起こしている / Everything we do causes Global Warming!

動画原本 / Video Transcript:

As I explained in my last video

global warming is continuing apace

and the climate is already changing

“T4:地球温暖化3: 私達の生活の全ては地球温暖化を起こしている / Everything we do causes Global Warming!” の続きを読む

T3:地球温暖化2:起こっているのは当たり前! / The earth’s history shows us that global warming is the logical result of burning carbon

I’ve got a cold today so my voice is hoarse

but I’m going to try to record anyway…

I’m going to talk about what causes global warming

“T3:地球温暖化2:起こっているのは当たり前! / The earth’s history shows us that global warming is the logical result of burning carbon” の続きを読む

T2: 地球温暖化01:3つの数字 / Global Warming: 3 Numbers



動画原本とリンク / Video Transcript with Links:

We need to talk about global warming.

Today I’m going to introduce 3 important numbers.

+1ºC is the current situation.

“T2: 地球温暖化01:3つの数字 / Global Warming: 3 Numbers” の続きを読む