tensaimon translates 13: ニュース、ソーシャルメデアと精神健康 – social media, news and our mental and emotional health



Today we’re going to look at two articles about the effect the media has on our mental and emotional health – one about reading the news, and one about social media.

“tensaimon translates 13: ニュース、ソーシャルメデアと精神健康 – social media, news and our mental and emotional health” の続きを読む

tensaimon translates 12: イギリスで女性の殺人事件:女性の怒り – Sarah Everard’s murder: confronting violence against women


今日の記事は time magazine – time.com からです、


A Woman in London Disappeared While Walking Home.
Her Case Is Igniting a National Reckoning on the Threats Women Face
March 12, 2021


“Police confirmed Friday that a body found in woodlands in Kent, south east England, has been identified as missing woman Sarah Everard. The 33-year-old’s sudden disappearance in London and the arrest of a senior police officer on suspicion of her murder has ignited a national conversation about harassment and the abuse of women in the U.K.”

“tensaimon translates 12: イギリスで女性の殺人事件:女性の怒り – Sarah Everard’s murder: confronting violence against women” の続きを読む

tensaimon translates 11: 頭の中の声を静かにさせる方法 How to stop your mind from talking all the time


How to stop your mind from talking all time

March 2014

www.raptitude.com’s tagline is “getting better at being human”


How to stop your mind from talking all the time

A couple of Sundays ago, I left for a friend’s house to watch the Oscars, and decided to keep from talking in my head the whole way there.

I’ve been doing micro-experiments like this a lot recently, committing to total presence for very short stretches of time. Can I, for example, keep my mind on what’s happening the entire time I’m doing the dishes? After each little exercise I can go back to my normal distracted stupor if I want to.

“tensaimon translates 11: 頭の中の声を静かにさせる方法 How to stop your mind from talking all the time” の続きを読む

tensaimon translates ep.10: 亡くなった友人のことを思い出す remembering my friend




だけど、00:20:57で”~ is a bitch”、「〜は最悪だよ」と言う表現を使う。この表現は”fucking”と”shit”と違って、女性に軽蔑する性差別的な意味も含まれているから、普段私は言わないようにしているけど、その瞬間に私の気持ちを表せて、出てきてしまった言葉です。私の本音の気持ちをそのまま表現したいから編集でカットとかはしなかった(聞くと理解してくれると思います)けど、この珍しい文脈の例外を除いて、私は使わないんで、使わないことを進めます。


ネット通訳担当tensaimon 9:The Lost Art of Phone Calls 失われた技術「電話で会話」

今日の記事は the saturday evening post  からです、

The Lost Art of the Phone Call 失われた技術「電話で会話」- typing is killing conversation

June 29 2018 (pre-corona!)



There is a song by a British artist called Cliff Richards, that goes “it’s so funny how we don’t talk anymore!”

and today’s article is about how we never talk on the phone anymore!

Most of our communication nowadays is by text and photos on SNS. 
The article says “Hey maybe we should start talking on the phone again!” 

“ネット通訳担当tensaimon 9:The Lost Art of Phone Calls 失われた技術「電話で会話」” の続きを読む

Podcast: 8. Low-tech Magazine 省エネの技術のブログ







Low-tech magazine – doubts on progress and technology

From the “About” page:
Low-tech Magazine questions the blind belief in technological progress, 

and talks about the potential of traditional knowledge and technologies when it comes to designing a sustainable society. 

“Podcast: 8. Low-tech Magazine 省エネの技術のブログ” の続きを読む

Podcast: 7 – ドーナツ経済 Donut economy

Amsterdam is embracing a radical new economic theory to help save the environment. Could it also replace capitalism?
Jan 22, 2021


“Podcast: 7 – ドーナツ経済 Donut economy” の続きを読む

Podcast: 6 – withOUTコロナを目指せばいい、理由16個 / 16 reasons to aim for zero-covid


All countries should pursue a Covid-19 elimination strategy: here are 16 reasons why

Thu 28 Jan 2021

I’ll post a link to the article, and to my script, in the shownotes


Many countries, for example NZ, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, have successfully pursued New Zealand and China have successfully pursued a coronavirus elimination strategy.

The past year of Covid-19 has taught us that it is the behaviour of governments, more than the behaviour of the virus or individuals, that shapes countries’ experience of the crisis.

The apparent waves of infection were driven by government action and inaction.

“Podcast: 6 – withOUTコロナを目指せばいい、理由16個 / 16 reasons to aim for zero-covid” の続きを読む

Podcast 5: 「反オリンピック」デモ “No Olympics Anywhere!” protest


TITLE: In Tokyo, international activists demand 需要(じゅよう)する “no olympics anywhere”

DATE: July 26 2019

Summary 記事のまとめ

At a press conference in July 2019 Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, announced the one-year countdown to the 2020 Olympics. Surrounded by Japan’s political elite, Bach said, “In these fractured times, the Olympic Games are the only thing that brings the world together in healthy competition.”

“Podcast 5: 「反オリンピック」デモ “No Olympics Anywhere!” protest” の続きを読む

Podcast 4: コロナ禍中日本の自殺率16%上昇 Japan suicide rate rises 16% in Covid Crisis



Suicide rates in Japan have risen sharply in the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly among women and children, even though they fell in the first wave when the government offered generous handouts to people, a survey found.

“Podcast 4: コロナ禍中日本の自殺率16%上昇 Japan suicide rate rises 16% in Covid Crisis” の続きを読む