PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 22: オリンピック略奪 Olympic Pillage



Japan should cut its losses and tell the IOC to take its Olympic pillage somewhere else


May 5, 2021

まとめ Summary:

Somewhere along the line the International Olympic Committee decided to treat Japan as their footstool. But Japan didn’t surrender its sovereignty when it agreed to host the Olympics. If the Tokyo Summer Games have become a threat to the national interest, Japan’s leaders should tell the IOC to go find another duchy to plunder. A cancellation would be hard — but it would also be a cure.

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PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 21: 睡眠時間を短くする不眠症治療 cure insomnia by sleeping less



Can’t sleep? Try getting less


August 28th, 2015

Can’t sleep? Try getting less

‘By reducing your “sleep window”, you’re raising the stakes, giving your powers of sleep a real challenge, which brings out the best in them’

まとめ Summary:

Recently, I decided to try to deal with a bout of insomnia by deliberately getting even less sleep. If this strikes you as absurd, I can only reply that it’s no more absurd than what most insomniacs do instead: lie awake in bed for hours every night, getting more wakeful the harder they try to drop off, while ruminating on horrifying existential truths.

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PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 20: セメントの環境影響 Cement’s environmental effects



The Outline: Are we stuck with cement?


まとめ Summary:

Earlier this year, Sara Law of the Carbon Disclosure Project raised her hand at a conference in New York to discuss opportunities for investing in low-carbon infrastructure to address climate change.

She politely asked the panel whether they knew how much cement each project might require.

The panel members shifted uncomfortably in their seats and chuckled; no one jumped in immediately to respond.

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Podcast Episode: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 18:ラナプラザ縫製工場の崩壊から8年 8 years on from the Rana Plaza Collapse



8 Years After the Rana Plaza Disaster, We Still Aren’t Doing Enough to Protect Garment Workers


April 19, 2021

まとめ Summary:

“There was outrage around the world when 1,134 people died in the devastating Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh on April 24th, 2013. Horrific images showed bodies being pulled from the rubble following the collapse of an eight-story garment factory complex in Dhaka as desperate families stood by, waiting for news about their loved ones. “

Eight years on, garment workers are still losing their lives while making our clothes:
– In November 2020, 12 people were killed in an explosion at a garment factory in Gujarat, India.
– In March this year, 20 people were killed and dozens left injured after a fire… in Cairo, Egypt,
– a further eight killed and 29 injured when a 10-storey building collapsed in the same city later that month.
– Meanwhile, in Gazipur, Bangladesh, one person died and another 42 workers were left injured following a factory fire.

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Podcast Episode: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 17: コロナウイルスのワクチン Corona vaccines


The Warning Signs of a Longer Pandemic:

DATE: April 12 2021

“All the things that could prolong the COVID-19 pandemic — that could make this virus a part of our lives longer than anyone wants — are playing out right in front of our eyes.”

– Although the pace of vaccinations is still strong, there’s a growing fear that it’s about to slow down.
– Right now, the U.S. is still making fantastic progress on vaccinations…but… variants of the virus [are] causing new outbreaks and infect[ing] more children
– The more widely a virus can spread, the more opportunities it has to mutate. If[ [we] don’t vaccinate a sufficient percentage of the population….then even years into the future, we could be living through more new variants — some of which might be more deadly, some of which might be more resistant to vaccines, some of which might be more dangerous for certain specific populations.
The bottom line: This darker future is preventable, and our abundant supply of highly effective vaccines is the way to prevent it. The more people get vaccinated now, the smaller the role COVID-19 is likely to play in the rest of our lives.

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Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates #16: 性差別、性暴力を注目にするフラワーデモ Flower demo: drawing attention to sexual discrimination and violence in Japan

日本でflower demo (フラワーデモ、花の抗議)は性差別、性暴力を注目させて、ますます増えている社会の動きです。この動きについての英語の記事を訳しながら過ごし解説して、コメントもさせていただきます。



まとめ Summary:

As night fell on August 11, about 150 people assembled at Gyoko-Dori Avenue near Tokyo Station to protest against a series of rape cases that ended in non-guilty verdicts.

Since the first event in April, the Flower Demoーinitiated by feminist activists Minori Kitahara, Eiko Tabusa and Akiko Matsuo, and held on the 11th day of each monthーhas expanded to 18 cities nationwide and continues to evolve into a larger social movement in Japan. 

“Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates #16: 性差別、性暴力を注目にするフラワーデモ Flower demo: drawing attention to sexual discrimination and violence in Japan” の続きを読む





Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 15: 日本の気候変動デモ参加者はどこ Where are Japan’s climate strikers?

2019年のclimate strike(気候マーチ)で世界中では600万人はエベントに参加したのに、日本で参加人数は僅かな6千人だけだったのはなぜでしょうか?と検討する記事を訳したりまとめたりしながら、少しコメントもさせていただきます。


December 18, 2019

まとめ Summary:

In late September 2019, an estimated 6 million people joined climate strikes across the globe, demanding urgent action to address the climate emergency facing our planet. Rallies in global metropolises such as London and New York saw hundreds of thousands take to the streets. Meanwhile in Japan, a country of 126 million people, marches drew a combined total of less than six thousand. After the country had suffered months of record-breaking rains, floods and heatwaves – where were Japan’s climate strikers?

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tensaimon translates 14: キャンプは精神的な健康を促す Camping is good for your mental health




There’s no date on this article!

まとめ Summary:

No matter how you shake it, many of us are living through stressful times. Work stress. Home stress. Health stress. Maybe all of the above? If you’ve found your stress levels escalating lately, maybe it’s time to escape into the great outdoors and take a camping trip.

“tensaimon translates 14: キャンプは精神的な健康を促す Camping is good for your mental health” の続きを読む