Nerd Nite 2020-02-07 Presentation: Apocalypse Soon

Nerd Nite のプレゼンのスライドファイル:
Here is the slideshow file to accompany my Nerd Nite presentation

Apocalypse Soon

[Follow-up comments, written the morning after my Nerd Nite presentation]:

Firstly I want to thank everyone who watched my presentation last night. Despite how I look once I’ve got a mic in my hands (somehow being in the limelight lends me a lot of energy), I’m not a naturally outgoing person (I’m terrible at small talk) so I was very nervous: you were a wonderful audience and made it easy for me to give my talk. Thank you.

I have a few follow-up comments, things I might have said if I’d had more time and/or if I had been quick-witted enough to have thought of them in the moment:

“Nerd Nite 2020-02-07 Presentation: Apocalypse Soon” の続きを読む

how to think things in the 21st century

I’m in a caustic mood today (“caustic mood” = 暗くて皮肉的な気分). I mean this post is humor and sarcasm though with a serious point. Enjoy:

How to think things in the 21st century (a guide for beginners):

1) believe in X(ism) and define it as you choose.

2) compare EVERYTHING to your definition of X – all opinions, people, news, documentaries, politics, perspectives, science, EVERYTHING

3) denounce EVERYTHING that is not EXACTLY “X” as you define it (and all people who do not exactly believe this X as you define it) as wrong/stupid/ignorant/immoral/evil

“how to think things in the 21st century” の続きを読む

Flash Mob Mihama American Village 2020-01-24 18:00~

Climate Reality Project (気候現実プロジェクト)、とClimateStrikeOki(気候ストライキ沖)、tensaimon(天才門!)は美浜アメリカンビレッジで2020年1月24日(金)18時からフラッシュモブをします!歌の題名Staying Aliveは「生き残る、死なない」って意味だから、気候危機にすごくふさわしい:踊るが死ぬかといえば、踊りましょうね!
The Climate Reality Project, Climate Strike Oki, and Tensaimon (me!) are going to do a Flash Mob in Mihama on Friday 2020-01-24!! Please come and join in, because if it’s dance or die we should probably dance!!

This is what we are going to do:

“Flash Mob Mihama American Village 2020-01-24 18:00~” の続きを読む

the climate emergency: trajectories and options

As you know I follow this story quite closely, and I can confirm that these figures are an accurate representation of the science. The problem of course is politics: right now it is looking very unlikely we will avert this. Which basically means most humans are going to die in the next few decades.

However there is a silver lining (if you can call it that): at 1.5-2.0 degrees the massive crop failures and resulting famine, whilst leading to enormous suffering and death (from starvation and war) in the short term, will lead (once enough humans are dead) to a collapse of the world’s civilization: at that point carbon emissions will drop to (near) zero, and since nature abhors a vacuum, trees and animals will take over again – those trees will absorb CO2 which in time will cool the earth again.

“the climate emergency: trajectories and options” の続きを読む

a story about racism from my childhood

WARNING: this post contains (quoted) racist language

People often comment that I am of a somewhat darker complexion than the average white England person. In the mid-eighties, when my family moved to the white largely rural-working class village of Charfield in South Gloucestershire, I started attending the local comprehensive school (Katherine Lady Berkeley’s school, or KLB) and this quirk of my appearance quickly gained me a new nickname: “Paki”
(explanation: the word “paki” is a shortening of “Pakistani” and in England is derogatory slang for someone of east Asian origin).

Katharine Lady Berkley’s School, photo taken by me in 2017 – by complete coincidence this photo is almost the exact location of an incident I describe below.
“a story about racism from my childhood” の続きを読む

2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha

やりますよ、2019・11・29,県民広場(県庁の前)。チラシをシェア、印刷,配るなど、よろしく!!!!そして友達と家族、同僚、皆連れてきてください!下に編集が出来るイメージファイルも貼った、どうぞ思い切って変更して使ってください!編集は を使った方がいいですが、illustratorでも開けます。後は、イベントページはこちです。

This is happening, in Naha in front of the Kencho building and Pallet-Kumoji. Here are the flyers, please share, print, and distribute. Then bring your friends, family, co-workers, bring everybody!! Also, if you want to edit and re-use the design, download the .svg files posted below – it’ll open best in Inkscape though it will open in Illustrator. Also, the event page on FB is here.

“2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha” の続きを読む





英語では、sleep restriction therapyと呼ばれている:
sleep = 睡眠
restriction = 制限
therapy = 治療方法


“不眠症の誰でもいつでもできる治療方法!!” の続きを読む

I’m considering deleting my social media accounts…

A month or so ago I posted a few paragraphs on Facebook about how I am seriously reconsidering my use of social media. Since then I have done virtually no scrolling through my feeds, and have limited myself to very occasional posts. And I think my life is much better for it – social media was eating up more of my time than I realized, time I now use out in the real world.

So much so that I am considering deleting my accounts – particularly of timeline-based “scrolling” sns (facebook, instagram, twitter). Socially/ethically I believe this is a good thing to do (do I really want to support these companies?), though this isn’t significant in my decision – rather, my motivation is selfish: much like giving up other unhealthy addictions like smoking (admittedly I never really smoked beyond a short phase of smoking-while-drinking) and drinking (which i surely did to excess), quitting social media has made my life better.

“I’m considering deleting my social media accounts…” の続きを読む