Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 15: 日本の気候変動デモ参加者はどこ Where are Japan’s climate strikers?

2019年のclimate strike(気候マーチ)で世界中では600万人はエベントに参加したのに、日本で参加人数は僅かな6千人だけだったのはなぜでしょうか?と検討する記事を訳したりまとめたりしながら、少しコメントもさせていただきます。


December 18, 2019

まとめ Summary:

In late September 2019, an estimated 6 million people joined climate strikes across the globe, demanding urgent action to address the climate emergency facing our planet. Rallies in global metropolises such as London and New York saw hundreds of thousands take to the streets. Meanwhile in Japan, a country of 126 million people, marches drew a combined total of less than six thousand. After the country had suffered months of record-breaking rains, floods and heatwaves – where were Japan’s climate strikers?

“Podcast: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 15: 日本の気候変動デモ参加者はどこ Where are Japan’s climate strikers?” の続きを読む

tensaimon translates 12: イギリスで女性の殺人事件:女性の怒り – Sarah Everard’s murder: confronting violence against women


今日の記事は time magazine – time.com からです、


A Woman in London Disappeared While Walking Home.
Her Case Is Igniting a National Reckoning on the Threats Women Face
March 12, 2021


“Police confirmed Friday that a body found in woodlands in Kent, south east England, has been identified as missing woman Sarah Everard. The 33-year-old’s sudden disappearance in London and the arrest of a senior police officer on suspicion of her murder has ignited a national conversation about harassment and the abuse of women in the U.K.”

“tensaimon translates 12: イギリスで女性の殺人事件:女性の怒り – Sarah Everard’s murder: confronting violence against women” の続きを読む

台湾電子民主主義 electronic democracy in Taiwan

The Social Dilemma映画によってソーシャルメデイアは利益のために私達をそのソーシャルメデイアになるべく長く時間過ごしてくほしい。問題は、そのための一番効果的なのは、怒りと対立・・・これは(現在アメリカに行っている)民主主義崩壊を促す。



民主主義 #polis #vtaiwan



The Social Dilemma (movie) shows that social network services promote outrage and division because that leads to more views which leads to more profit- and to the breakdown of society and democracy (as is happening right now across the world, particularly in the US)

By contrast, Polis is a social network that promotes and amplifies agreement, so we can find our common ground.

Get it started in your locale!

Anyone know anyone in okinawa who might be able to help??

democracy #vtaiwan #polis

A short comment on preferred pronouns

I just posted something on Facebook using someone’s preferred pronouns of “them and their”, which I know is an issue that riles some people up, so I want to explain that issue as I see it:

If I started calling you, and referring to you, as “dickface”:
– “Hi dickface””morning dickface how’s it going?”
– “fancy a quick pint after work, dickface?”
– “have you seen dickface lately?”
– “Let’s invite dickface to our meeting, he might have some useful input”

I don’t think it would take very long before you got pretty pissed and asked me to stop.
And having been asked to stop, the considerate (of your point of view and experience) thing for me to do is to stop.

“A short comment on preferred pronouns” の続きを読む

英語のトランスクリプト付き kimberly jones on #blacklivesmatter, with transcript

2020・06・12更新 ー 日本語字幕版が出た! Instagram の euro719 に感謝!!




(Full Transcript for video)
“So, I’ve been seeing a lot of things talking, people making commentary, interestingly enough, the ones I’ve noticed have been making the commentary are wealthy black people, making the commentary about we should not be rioting, we should not be rioting, we should not be tearing up our own communities, and then theres been an argument of the other side of we should be hitting them in the pocket, we should be focusing on the blackout days where we don’t spend money. But you know, I feel like we should do both, and I feel like I support both, and I’ll tell you why I support both. I support both because:

“英語のトランスクリプト付き kimberly jones on #blacklivesmatter, with transcript” の続きを読む

how to think things in the 21st century

I’m in a caustic mood today (“caustic mood” = 暗くて皮肉的な気分). I mean this post is humor and sarcasm though with a serious point. Enjoy:

How to think things in the 21st century (a guide for beginners):

1) believe in X(ism) and define it as you choose.

2) compare EVERYTHING to your definition of X – all opinions, people, news, documentaries, politics, perspectives, science, EVERYTHING

3) denounce EVERYTHING that is not EXACTLY “X” as you define it (and all people who do not exactly believe this X as you define it) as wrong/stupid/ignorant/immoral/evil

“how to think things in the 21st century” の続きを読む

a story about racism from my childhood

WARNING: this post contains (quoted) racist language

People often comment that I am of a somewhat darker complexion than the average white England person. In the mid-eighties, when my family moved to the white largely rural-working class village of Charfield in South Gloucestershire, I started attending the local comprehensive school (Katherine Lady Berkeley’s school, or KLB) and this quirk of my appearance quickly gained me a new nickname: “Paki”
(explanation: the word “paki” is a shortening of “Pakistani” and in England is derogatory slang for someone of east Asian origin).

Katharine Lady Berkley’s School, photo taken by me in 2017 – by complete coincidence this photo is almost the exact location of an incident I describe below.
“a story about racism from my childhood” の続きを読む

2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha

やりますよ、2019・11・29,県民広場(県庁の前)。チラシをシェア、印刷,配るなど、よろしく!!!!そして友達と家族、同僚、皆連れてきてください!下に編集が出来るイメージファイルも貼った、どうぞ思い切って変更して使ってください!編集はhttps://inkscape.org/ を使った方がいいですが、illustratorでも開けます。後は、イベントページはこちです。

This is happening, in Naha in front of the Kencho building and Pallet-Kumoji. Here are the flyers, please share, print, and distribute. Then bring your friends, family, co-workers, bring everybody!! Also, if you want to edit and re-use the design, download the .svg files posted below – it’ll open best in Inkscape though it will open in Illustrator. Also, the event page on FB is here.

“2019・11・29 グローバル気候マーチin 那覇 Global Climate Strike in Naha” の続きを読む

Facebook (and all social media) has to go…

Yesterday a friend of mine shared the Carole Cadwalladr TED talk “Facebook’s role in Brexit – and the threat to democracy” in which she explains how she led an Observer newspaper investigation into the role Facebook played in the Brexit and Trump elections. The talk is absolutely jaw-dropping, so if you haven’t seen it yet then watch it now, because I’m going to discuss it with spoilers.

To summarize: People with a lot of money paid Cambridge Analytica to use Facebook to spread carefully targeted misinformation (and outright lies, and hate speech) with the specific aim of influencing the result of the UK Brexit election as a testing ground for technology that they then deployed in the US election of Donald Trump. And so as Cadwalladr says:

“Facebook (and all social media) has to go…” の続きを読む